Captain Tom 100 – Do it your way!

Friday 30th April 2021 would have been Captain Sir Tom Moore’s 101st birthday and the one-year anniversary since he completed his famous 100 laps of his garden raising a staggering £38.9m for the NHS. Tom’s simple message of hope – “Tomorrow will be a good day” – resonated around the globe during some of the darkest days of the pandemic, bringing light and comfort to millions worldwide.

To commemorate his life, the hope and joy he brought to millions, and his sense of fun, everyone is invited to take on a challenge around the number 100 anytime and anywhere over Captain Tom’s birthday weekend, Friday 30 AprilMonday 3 May.

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Do it your way!

Simply dream up your 100 challenge. It can be anything you like – from walking 100 laps of your garden just like Captain Tom, to baking 100 cakes or singing for 100 minutes and donate or fundraise for Home-Start Wandsworth and help us to support vulnerable families when they need it most.

Together we can ensure Captain Tom’s legacy lives on.

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